Episode 19: “Sweat Makes Cents” with Aeshia DeVore Branch
January 26, 2022

We’re kicking off 2022 with entrepreneur Aeshia DeVore Branch, founder of Pretty Girls Sweat – a fitness community that’s turning tropes upside down and supporting amazing charitable endeavors to boot! Aeshia shares her passion for making systemic change in the wellness community, as well as details on how she runs a successful eCommerce shop and membership website.
Email Us: freelancerwatercooler@gmail.com
Aeshia DeVore Branch: prettygirlssweat.com
Start a Pretty Girls Sweat Chapter: prettygirlssweat.com/careers
Aeshia on Instagram: @prettygirlssweat
Ansley Fones: ansleyfones.com
Ansley’s Online Course: ansleyfones.com/website-101-online-course
Carly Crawford: carlydoesbooks.com
Not Tool Time: Dropbox
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